National Inclusion Week Resources – Part 3

As National Inclusion Week draws to a close, we share the final part of resources and information on the subject of inclusion in the workplace.

How to prepare for ethnicity wage gap reporting, by Charlotte Moorhouse for People Management – This article lays out the steps to take when starting the process of ethnicity pay gap reporting, currently not a requirement by large companies but may change in future. “While there are various challenges for employers to consider, fundamentally, ethnicity pay gap reporting will highlight many of the issues that, as a society, we know need to be addressed so that change can happen.”

Inclusion Starts With I, by Accenture – this video, as part of Accenture’s commitment to Inclusion and Diversity, neatly summarises that bias can appear in both expected and unexpected ways, and the importance of an inclusive work environment.

Inclusive Diversity: The Gamechanger, by Toni Carter –Toni Carter, Inclusion and Diversity Strategy Director for Idaho National Laboratory, shares her experiences in having conversations about Inclusion and Diversity, and how a change in language allowed for these conversations to be more productive.

Dialogue over inclusion needs to go beyond 4 October, by Lauren Mason for Investment Week – This article, whilst aimed at the investment banking sector (and highlights some fantastic initiatives within the industry), serves as a pertinent message to all industries to carry on the conversation of workplace inclusion beyond this week.
