IDN’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Survey

Inclusion and Diversity in Nuclear (IDN) needs the help of the UK Nuclear Industry to gather data.

Co-founded in 2019 by MMCS MD Monica Mwanje, IDN provides resources, brings leaders together and showcases best practice through its events, facilitates conversations, and advises on meaningful steps to propel change within organisations.

A vital starting point to making IDN’s activities bigger and better is to gather data on the landscape of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion across the UK Nuclear Industry. With that in mind, IDN have devised a survey to gather this data and inform their next steps in serving the industry.

IDN wants to measure their progress and set realistic goals on what resources to provide, events to run (outside of their flagship Annual Conference) and any gaps to focus on filling.

The survey takes around seven minutes to complete and is entirely anonymous. It would also be really beneficial if respondents could share a link to the survey with their friends and colleagues in the industry.

To start the survey, please click here.

For more information on Inclusion and Diversity in Nuclear, go to
