MMCS MD Monica Mwanje’s involvement in non-profit initiative Diversity and Inclusion in UK Nuclear has included setting up a training workshop tour in partnership with EqualEngineers.

EqualEngineers’ aim is to create inclusive engineering and technology organisations by increasing the diversity of the workforce and improve stakeholder health and wellbeing. They achieve this by connecting inclusive employers with diverse candidates in engineering and technology.

About the Workshop

The EqualEngineers’ workshop, Engineering a Winning Workforce: Engaging the Majority, will develop people’s understanding of diversity and inclusion to improve workplace culture and staff wellbeing within the nuclear sector.

The workshop will benefit:

  • Team Leaders
  • Managers
  • People who work in teams
  • People who work in diverse teams and want to improve working relationships and increase inclusion
  • People who want to work in and build diverse and inclusive teams

ECITB Member Company?

The costs for delivering this EqualEngineers “Engineering a Winning Workforce: Engaging the Majority” training course are covered via the Engineering Construction Industry Training Board (ECITB) Training Levy for in-scope organisations. 100% of the cost is covered by this grant funding.

If you are an in-scope company, contact EqualEngineers to book training for your organisation. You can enquire and book here.

Find out more about Diversity and Inclusion in UK Nuclear here.