The recording is now available, for a limited time only, for the Diversity & Inclusion in UK Nuclear’s webinar “Supporting Black Professionals in Nuclear”, that was held on 30th October and part of celebrations for Black History Month. As co-founder of the Diversity and Inclusion in UK Nuclear Initiative, MM…
Looking after our Mental Health
With England currently in a second lockdown, we wanted to highlight some handy resources to aid you in staying mentally healthy. At MMCS we have been working remotely for quite some time so firstly, here are some of the things that have helped us: Keeping as normal a “working day”…
A New Addition to the MMCS Team
MMCS is delighted to welcome Michelle Rudek to our team. Michelle has taken up the role of Marketing Manager and is responsible for MMCS marketing activities. Besides leading on work within MMCS, Michelle also works on client projects. Specifically, Michelle provides strategic marketing input and communications advice for MMCS clients…
Black History Month – Information and Resources: Part Four
As Black History Month draws to a close, we provide this final weekly instalment of information and stories of those who’ve made a positive difference within their communities. Trailblazing Leeds GP shining a light on health inequalities and Black British history, by Emma Ryan for the…
Are We Nearly There Yet? Podcast with Monica Mwanje
MM Creative Solutions’ Managing Director Monica Mwanje features as a guest on this week’s edition of the “Are We Nearly There Yet?” Podcast. Professor Andrew Sherry talks to people about their career pathways so that people can learn from their experience. This week he talks to Monica and they discuss…
Black History Month – Information and Resources: Part Three
Black History Month continues and throughout October at MMCS, we continue to offer information to inform people about the lived experience of the UK Black community and to celebrate those making a real difference. We Belong seeks to improve the livelihoods and security of young migrants…
“Supporting Black Professionals in Nuclear” – A Webinar from Diversity and Inclusion in UK Nuclear
In honour of Black History Month, Diversity and Inclusion in UK Nuclear are hosting a webinar on the topic of “Supporting Black Professionals in Nuclear”. The aim of this webinar is to provide useful tips to support Black employees and colleagues by discussing practical ways to boost recruitment, aid retention,…
Black History Month – Information and Resources: Part Two
Black History Month continues and throughout this month at MMCS, we continue to offer information to educate people about the lived experience of the UK Black community and to celebrate those making a positive change. Exist Loudly – Tanya Compas is a social worker and the…
“Creating a Mentally Healthy Work Environment in Uncertain Times” Webinar Now Online
MMCS hosted a webinar last week, in the run-up to World Mental Health Day last Saturday. Our guest speaker Shazney Spence (Managing Director of Equanimity) shared her expertise to provide a greater sense of Mental Health awareness, acceptance and action points to allow you to manage your mental health and…
Black History Month – Information and Resources: Part One
Black History Month is celebrated this month in the UK. At MMCS we wanted to provide some information to educate people about the lived experience of the UK Black community and to celebrate those making a positive change. She Leads For Legacy – Sharon Amesu, along…