National Inclusion Week: Information and Resources, Part One

This week marks National Inclusion week, so throughout the week we will be sharing resources and information that will hopefully help you to create a more inclusive workplace.

Software company SAP will bring out a series of podcasts that shed some light for organisations on how to create a diversity and inclusion programme to foster neurodiversity and create inclusive spaces for those on the autism spectrum. It starts on 6th October and you can find more details here.

Stonewall UK has a huge wealth of resources and information on their website that help employers foster an inclusive work environment for the LGBTQ+ community. This includes reports and info on legislation plus several webinars. Find out more here.

Giselle Defares writes in The Next Web about fostering and maintaining an inclusive work culture when your staff are working remotely. Read more here.

Attorney and Consultant Tiffany Alvoid provides training to organisations on the topic of microagressions; a term used for brief and commonplace daily verbal, behavioural, or environmental indignities, whether intentional or unintentional, that communicate hostile, derogatory, or negative prejudicial slights and insults toward any group. Watch her 2019 TED talk, Eliminating Microaggressions: The Next Level of Inclusion.

Leyla Okhai’s Diverse Minds Podcast is a fantastic resource. Leyla is a coach, mediator, inclusion and wellbeing practitioner, and the former head of Imperial College’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Centre. An episode from 2019, Celebrating National Inclusion week (and why it matters at work), is a great place to start.
