Coming soon to our website…

Since the start of the company in 2015, MMCS has focused on providing consultancy services in the areas of business development, bid writing, bid management and independent peer reviews. We have also provided a number of successful bid training sessions and bootcamps, as well as delivering this training in-house to our clients.

Recently, our business has evolved and we now include consultancy and training services on the subject of inclusion in the workplace.

As a result, our website will start to evolve and showcase our Inclusion Services as an integral part of our core service offerings.

In summary, our Inclusion Services consist of:

Consultancy – We work in close collaboration with you to examine your business from a Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) viewpoint, and formulate practical approaches to ensure you have a D&I strategy that works for your company and all of its employees

Reviews – This can include in-house focus groups and workshops where open and honest discussion is encouraged, to determine whether your company D&I strategy is really effective.

Training – We have already conducted some successful training sessions on Diversity and Inclusion and will continue to offer this via online means for the time being, but we will explore additional training delivery formats in the coming months. So, watch this space!

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